Debating Anti-natalism
Interview with David Benatar, Alberto Giovanni Biuso and Théophile de Giraud
di Sarah Dierna
il Pequod
anno V, numero 9, giugno 2024
pagine 5-14
Il numero 9 della rivista il Pequod ha ospitato un’articolata intervista sull’Antinatalismo realizzata da Sarah Dierna e rivolta a David Benatar, Théophile de Giraud e a me. Dalle domande e dalle diverse risposte dei tre interlocutori emerge credo in modo chiaro la centralità di questo tema in un ambito prima di tutto ontologico e poi di conseguenza anche bioetico.
Premessa della curatrice
Anti-natalism is one of that controversial philosophical issues which is more difficult to accept than to understand. Even if in the last decades the argument has been discussed more than before, in my opinion it should have a wider diffusion because of the purpose of it. In question is the pain that is there and that could not be there, that is there and that could be avoided.
For this reason, I decided to hand the floor over to three Anti-natalist philosophers: David Benatar (DB), Alberto Giovanni Biuso (AGB) and Théophile de Giraud (TdG) who have exposed their perspectives in several and different ways. Since they have already expressed their ideas about the main aspects of Anti-natalism in their books or articles, I tried to pose them questions which regard other issues related to Anti-natalism. So, I started with a personal question about their anti-natalist awareness, and I asked them for questions which focus on other animal, anthropocentrism, and any future development of anti-natalist perspectives. Intentionally I posed them only a few questions because I would like that their answers are read in order to have an idea of Antinatalism and its philosophical grounds.
The idea of this interview is the result of my work on Anti-natalism. Studying this argument, I had the opportunity to discuss with each of them about my studying and to receive their advice and feedback which improved a lot my research. This interview represents only a summary of the dialogue we had in these two years.
I am sincerely grateful to David Benatar, Alberto Giovanni Biuso and Théophile de Giraud and I thank them for their availability to answer my questions. I would also like to thank the Editor-in-Chief Enrico Palma and all the Editorial Board of Il Pequod Journal for their open-mindedness and availability to host this interview.
L’intervista è stata ripresa e commentata da un podcast dedicato ai temi dell’Antinatalismo e della bioetica: The Cosmic Antinatalism, nella puntata del 16.6.2024:
Antinatalism This Week | 16th June 2024 (al minuto 2.18)